Friday, November 29, 2019

Excellent Essays - Human Communication, Interpersonal Communication

Excellent 8 - 10 Points Good 6 - 7 Points Adequate3 - 5 Points Insufficient1 - 2 Points Instructions 5 points Follows instructions and includes all described steps or questions in the paragraph(s). 5 pts. Follows instructions and includes some of the described steps or questions in the paragraph(s). 4 pts. Does not follow instructions and does not consider the steps or questions when writing the paragraph(s). 3 pts. It is clear that the assignment instructions were not understood. 2 pts. Content Assignment Effort 3 points Written content is in correct format and includes detailed effort and/or information for the assignment. 3 pts. Written content is in correct format and includes sufficient effort and/or information for the assignment. 2.5 pts Written content is in correct format, but it does not show much effort and/or information for the assignment. 1.5 pts Written content i s not presented in the correct format, and displays no effort or information toward the assignment. 1 pt. Grammar 2 points Written content is free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. 2 pts. Written content contains less than 3 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. 1.5 pts. Written content includes 4-10 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors that causes distraction. 1 pt. Written content contains 11 or more grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors that are distractive. .05

Monday, November 25, 2019

Are you being paid a fair salary

Are you being paid a fair salary Here’s a question that will inevitably come up at some point (or several points) during your professional journey: Am I being paid what I’m worth? It’s a fair question- and one you should be comfortable with asking yourself whenever you do a â€Å"status check† while traveling along your career path. Why? Well, the truth is, in today’s ultra-competitive job market, employers in any given industry can offer a wide range of salaries for positions, and it’s absolutely within your best interests to know what end of the salary spectrum you’re on.Of course, many variables will come into play when you’re given a salary offer at the time of hire for a position (things like geographic location, years of experience, and even the relative financial health of the company can factor in), but one thing that’s true for employees across fields, positions, and locations is that the salary you agree to for a position can have a real impact on your long-term earning potential- both at your current position and company and for future positions, either there or at a new company. Many companies base things like salary offers and even raises and bonuses on your prior earning history, and if your salary is below the industry average for your position and experience, it may take years before you’re able to catchup to other, better compensated colleagues.   Taking into account the time and effort most of us put into our professional lives, it’s obviously important to ensure that you’re getting paid a fair salary for the work you do and contributions you make to your employer. And you can’t have faith that your employer is staying on top of what’s fair. In the tricky world of salary negotiations, you’re often going to be your own best advocate towards ensuring that you’re being compensated fairly.Hopefully, it’s now clear why educating yourself about compensation stand ards, practices, and trends in your industry is a valuable use of your time. Consider using the following strategies to help you determine if you’re being paid a reasonable salary.Steps to take to ensure your salary is what you deserveResearchYou don’t need us to tell you that the Internet is often your best friend when you’re in need of doing some research on a subject. When it comes to gathering salary info, it’s an invaluable tool as well. In fact, there are sites that are practically dedicated to this- check out’s salary calculator tool or Glassdoor to determine what other folks in your field and position typically make.In addition, professional associations in your field may openly share important information like average salary and compensation to help you figure out where you’re at relative to your peers. Many professionals across industries maintain blogs that are designed to create supportive communities and share key inf ormation with their colleagues- use these to your advantage and feel empowered to ask questions as needed.Utilize your HR departmentRemember, your company’s HR department is there to support you with all sorts of issues that come up during your professional tenure. If you have questions or concerns regarding compensation, these are often good places to start. And if they don’t have all the answers you’re looking for, if they’re good at their jobs they’ll be able to direct you where to go for next steps.Check yourselfDon’t forget that the issue of professional satisfaction, which includes being content with your current salary, is highly personal- what makes you feel satisfied and fulfilled and meets your life needs will be different than anyone else. Therefore, a strong source to determine if you’re being paid reasonably is yourself. Look within, do a personal inventory, and try to assess whether or not you feel as if you’re cu rrently in a good place salary-wise. Regardless of what others in similar positions make, if you feel content with where you’re at, take that into consideration when deciding whether you’re compensated fairly.What not to doSalary issues can be highly emotional. If you feel as if you’re underpaid, it may set you off on a charged and volatile footing. That’s never a good place to operate from when it comes to issues involving your career. Be sure to keep your emotions in check when addressing compensation matters with your company. Also, avoid discussing salaries with your coworkers- many companies frown upon this, and it can also lead to animosity if there are clear disparities.One last thing to avoid- avoid ignoring the issue. If you feel unsatisfied or unclear regarding your compensation, simply ignoring it will undoubtedly lead to ongoing negative results. Take proactive steps to ensure that you’re a valued and fairly compensated member of your o rganization, and both you and your company will benefit from it.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Domestic Violence and Pregnancy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Domestic Violence and Pregnancy - Research Paper Example Domestic violence as an issue pertaining the health of pregnant women involves nurses. Nurses are the persons who take care of the women, and help them address their issues. Introduction Domestic violence is a public health menace that results in the most injury to women in America. Domestic violence has been observed to begin, or increase during pregnancy. There are no typical relationships that are more prone to abuse than others. This is what makes it hard in addressing domestic violence during pregnancy. The impact of battering of women during pregnancy does not only affect the battered person. The infant and the family are also impacted on by the violent behaviour. Nurses in dealing with pregnant women have to make certain considerations in their assessment of the situation. In nursing care, the nurse has to carry out a physical and mental assessment of the battered woman. The nurse also has a role to play in helping curb domestic violence during pregnancy. These issues are addr essed in this essay. Domestic violence as it relates to pregnancy starts like domestic violence under any other conditions. There is a three-stage pattern that domestic violence follows, even when the woman involved is pregnancy. The first stage is tension-building which may last for many years (Schuiling & Likis, 2012). The abuse during this time is minor and is easily overlooked. Acts such as slapping and verbal abuse are taken lightly; whereas, in reality, they are the signs of danger. The second stage is called acute battering and is characterized by overt battering. This phase takes short periods of time but is the heart of the matter. The third phase known as the honeymoon phase follows closely after the acute battering. The barterer is remorseful of his acts and behaves in a way to convince the victim that they will be non-violent. Abuse during pregnancy focuses on areas that place the life of the unborn baby at risk. During nursing care, there are considerations that a nurse has to make when assessing domestic violence during pregnancy. First, the nurse has to consider the effect that the stress may have on the pregnant woman. During pregnancy, the woman is delicate and needs physical, mental, and emotional stability (Jasinski, 2004). In the event of abuse in the relationship, these spheres of the woman’s life are affected. As a result, the mother, infant, and other children in the family feel the repercussions. Battering impacts all persons around the battered pregnant woman, one way or another. When a pregnant woman is abused, she suffers stress, which affects her feeding. The woman may lose weight because of the stress. The unborn baby is placed at a risk since it depends on the mother for its nutrition. Other children in the family may also witness their pregnant mother being abused. Such children develop fear for the other parent leading to a dysfunctional society. Such children also may develop behavioural adjustments since they live in co nstant fear that stems from the violence that surrounds them. The development of such children is hampered by these incidences. They may also become overtly violent, as they vent the frustrations of watching helplessly as their mother is abused. Long-range effects are also possible in cases of domestic violence (Alksnis & Taylor). If a girl-child witnesses her mother being battered and the barterer suffers no consequences, the child might assume this is normal behaviour during pregnancy. The

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT - Essay Example There can be three different time horizons according to Jackson and Schuler (1990) for which human resource planning can take place – short-term (up to one year), intermediate term (one to three years) and long-term (more than three years). Since it is a growing trend by UK based companies to employ Indian executives for their overseas branches, the planning suggested here is on a long-term basis. Typically there are four phases of human resource planning – collection of data which helps to forecast the human resource demand, the human resource objectives have then to be established, then comes the designing and implementation phase where the organization achieves the human resource objectives (which means staffing, appraising, compensating and training) and finally these programs will have to be monitored and evaluated (Appendix A). For such planning an assessment of the macro environment is necessary both in India and the UK. In addition, the skill requirement has to be assessed as technological change is an ongoing process (MDR, 1997). The specific skill requirement, the unskilled and semi-skill have to be assessed in addition to the qualification of the present employees. The local employment market and the competition has to be assessed which would help in deciding at what stages it would be possible to get skilled people. The micro environment of the industry will give information about employee turnover, the prevalent salary, other terms of employment including promotions and transfers. In today’s world compensation packages do not matter and what matters is to have a talent powered organization consisting of highly motivated, skilled and loyal employees (Gordon, 2002). The recruitment activity requires making employment oppurtunities known to qualified individuals in a manner that proper job specifications are communicated. The required employee qualifications also need to be

Monday, November 18, 2019

Transatlantic Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Transatlantic Relationship - Essay Example They are characterized, by an extremely high level of integration and interdependence especially in the fields of economy, political-military and cultural; while on the other hand, by numerous tensions and confrontations weakening the validity of the transatlantic partnership. The success of the transatlantic relationship is based on the background of common values that has braced both Europe and America, therefore creating an identity of values that finds its roots in the ideas of the Enlightenment which encompass the centrality of freedom, democracy, and reason as primary values of the society. These principles represent a constant in the transatlantic expression and have stimulated any transatlantic joint action intended to defend and export them. One of the first documents that contributed to the establishment of a common transatlantic consciousness that have referred to these principles is The Atlantic Charter, signed on 14 August, 1941. This Charter set forth the joint declaration of their peace aims calling for the self-determination of all peoples and self-government and sovereign rights for all nations that had been deprived of them. Beyond the continent of Europe, the colonial system had to be dismantled and the promise of self-determination enshrined in the Atlantic Charter applied on a global scale. Another significant document containing transatlantic values and seeking to universalize them is the Charter of the United Nations which was signed on 26 June 1945. The preamble of the Charter reaffirms the need to promote peace, fundamental human rights, freedom, social and economic profess, and international law. The United States and the United Kingdom became the two of the naissance members of the United Nations, as well as two of the five permanent members of the Security Council. The end of the Cold War offered the impulse for strengthening and deepening the transatlantic relations. The values become Western and constantly relate themselves in opposition to any communist beliefs. So, the Cold War can be seen, not simply as a political-military confrontation between two powerful influences, but also as an ideology of altercation between two opposing systems of values. The Soviet's threat determined the institutionalization of the transatlantic alliance through the formation of the NATO. The North Atlantic Treaty brought NATO to existence to where the organization comprises a system of defense to where all member countries agree to offer defense in response to an attack by an external entity. NATO assured the lasting relationship of Euro-Atlantic area security, but marked the European security defense reliance towards the American military and logistic capabilities. The end of the Soviet Union and the bipolar system marked the commencement of the new era in th e international relations, and for the transatlantic relationship, in particular. Consequently, the transatlantic relationship merged at the end of the World War II as a set of values that ensured the promotion of freedom, democracy, respect for human rights, rule of law, and equality. This "historical partnership for democracy" (Dobrescu 2003:161) occurred in successive

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Wireless Internet Technology Computer Science Essay

The Wireless Internet Technology Computer Science Essay Wireless Internet gives us a permission to access World Wide Web or Internet email via wireless network. Without using any telephone line or any cable network wireless internet can be used. Not only in a particular place we can use the Internet through wireless Internet even if we are out of the office or home. People have tended to use wireless Internet not only it dont use wire but also it has easy using for their activities. When we consider about the wireless technologies, Wi-Fi, Wi-max, Blootooth, 3G and Satellite are examples. When we use these technologies to access Internet these technologies will help us in different ways, and difference technologies embedded in different devices. Some technologies are available in devices in default. And some can be connected. With recent advances in wireless Internet technology , high speed wireless connection are now available on laptops, cell phones ,and other mobile computing devices. paragraph{} Wireless Internet is become most important in today. In education, business, exploration, and govern like all this field use the facility of wireless Internet. The world has been become global. Then the information not limited to a particular place, in this situation wireless internet is the tool to link this all things together. Therefore people should not limited for a place like home or office. They must be able to access the internet at any place where they want. Therefore wireless Internet is very important to todays world. Internet is the most important and valuable topic in today. People use Internet to do their lots of activities. section{History of Wireless Internet.} begin{itemize} item German physicist Heinrich Hertz in his lab designed the primary electromagnetic radio waves in the year 1888. item In the year 1894 using radio waves in Oxford, England was sent by British physicist Sir Oliver Lodge as the first message. item Italian inventor Guglielmo Marcon delivered radio waves diagonally the English Channel in the year 1899. end{itemize} section{New features of the Wireless ISPs} However, modern wireless ISPs are able to provide connection speeds ranging anywhere from 384 Kbps to 2.0 Mbps. That is up to 35 times faster than dialup! One new wireless technology in development as of early 2009 is poised to increase the download speeds of wireless even further. WiMax promises to deliver maximum speeds of up to 7 Mbps to your laptop, your car, your cell phone, and your home. WiMax is only just now becoming available in some U.S. cities, but expect to see it in more locations by the end of the year and throughout 2010. Internet is a wide range of subject. Through the internet what we can do is not limited to the send emails and message activities through your mobiles phones. There are number of operations we can do by using the internet. But the technologies we that we use to access the internet is limit the those activities. To download avideo, share a large file, download streaming media, upload some large amount of data, it is better to having a high speed wireless Internet service Provider. In the present most mobile computers such as laptops comes with the facility to access the internet. It means the devices already have a wireless adapter installed in it. Not only that there are number of computer related devices which can be used to inernet remotely. Those devices have been set up to access the internet in any where the wireless ISP facility have been established. By today there are so many places they provide the facility to access the internet. And most of ISPs give the chance to their customers providing the internet access facility such as 3G, wi-fi in public areas. section{Requirements for a Wireless Internet Connection:} When we need to connect a device to the internet wirelessly, there are need some different equipments and facilities than when connecting using wired connection. To access the internet wirelessly it is good to have following things: begin{itemize} item Some type of mobile computing device, such as an iPhone, PDA, mini-computer, cell phone, or similar item or a laptop computer . item An internal wireless adapter or a USB port for connecting an external adapter. the adapter that you use must be compatible with the specific wireless provider you sign up for and the protocols they use. For example, a Wi-Fi 802.11 adapter. item A high speed, wireless Internet access plan from a provider in your area. item Free sniffer software for locating access at various Hot Spot locations (this software is typically supplied by your wireless Internet service provider). end{itemize} It is important to note that wireless home networking and wireless Internet access outside the home or office are two rather different things. Setting up a wireless LAN in your home should not involve a separate service beyond your current DSL or cable provider. They will typically provide you with all the equipment that you need, such as a wireless router, to establish a wireless LAN in your home at no extra cost. section{WISP Wireless Internet Service Provider} Wireless Internet Service Providers provide the public wireless services. There are number of WISPs available in today. In airports, hotels , computer schools and other public business places are covered with the networks using the wireless internet service providers. WISPs are mostly used to create the Local area networks(LAN). When you use a WISP, you must have the permissions to access it. But some WISPs give the access free. When you use it you must have the clear idea about the security of that WISP. Because there can spread the viruses through that networks. Therefore it will be harmful to your computers. Some WISPs give their service having some contracts, and some time they charge for their service. chapter{wireless Networks} section{What is a Wreless Network?} A wireless network is a kind of network which has interconnections between nodes without using a wire. In this methodology the network is established with the help of electromagnetic waves such as radio waves, LAN connections etc. wireless network is normal same as other network but use the wireless technology to transmit data through the network. There are some advantages uses the wireless network, because the devices within the network can be access within that area at any time anywhere. section{Types of Wireless Networks} subsection{Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN)} Wireless lan is a wireless local area network which uses radio waves for data transmission between computers of the same network. WLANS allow users in local area such as in a university library get the access to the internet. subsection{Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN)} Bluetooth and Infra Red technologies are used for wireless personal Network. These technologies will allow the connectivity of personal devices within an area of 30 feet. Infra Red requires a direct line and the range is less as compared to Bluetooth technology. subsection{Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMAN)} Wireless man is a Metropolitan area network that connects the computerof various local area networks. It could be within a building in the company. section{Wireless Wide Area Networks (WWAN)} WWANs or Wireless Area Networks can be maintained over large areas such as in different cities or between different countries, via multiple satellite systems or antenna sites. The types of system are called 2G systems. chapter{3G Internet} Access the internet using the 3G mobile network is meant by 3G Internet. 3G mobile network can be accessed through a mobile device which can be a mobile phone or PDA. Third generation technology is used by 3G internet, which allows users to access larger amount of data with a higher speeds. When comparing the other technologies which are used to access the internet, 3G technology is in a higher position. There are number of devices which provide the facilities to use 3G technology. section{3G internet vs. regular internet} To access the 3G internet there are some specific devices that are smaller and more compact than regular desktop and laptop computers. Mostly 3G internet is accessed by the mobile phones. Therefore the accessing internet is depend on the mobile phones size and the model. Because the mobile phone has more facilities it is easy to access the web pages to see in their normal sizes. Otherwise the applications interfaces view in smaller size. Mobile networks handle those data, therefore the accessing the internet through the 3G internet is simpler than the regular internet. There are limited download in 3G internet and it depend on the mobile service provider which is selected by you. When we use the wired network to access the internet we can use it within a limited area, but when weuse the 3G internet there has facility to access the intrenet within a wide area which is coverd by the mobile service provider. To acess the 3G internet there only need a mobile phone and the facility to 3G by the service provider. begin{itemize} item Speed of 10Mbps at 10 kilometers with line-of-sight with high throughput. item Easy installation and much faster installation compare to wired networks. item Full support for WMAN services. item Single station can serve hundreds of users. item It is standardized, and same frequency equipments work together. item Lower consumer premises equipment cost. item WiMAX is enabling for number of applications in customer and business because of its quality of service. end{itemize} section{Is the 3G internet right for you?} The main thing with the accessing internet through the mobile is the size of the viewing the web pages. Accessing 3G internet is some time not practical with the size of viewing to fulfil our needs through the 3G internet. There are some advantages as well as disadvantages. Some time the web pages which are viewed in the mobile phones or PDA are simple pages and they contain only the valuable details. At that time users dont need the vaste their time and they can get the information about what they are searched directly and fast. But they can be only less detailed. To watch some video, upload pictures, design tasks they are difficult to do with the 3G internet. But the very important fact is use the 3G internet is available in anywhere the signals available on the selected service providers. Nowadays it is not difficult because the every place covered by the service providers. section{So who will use 3G internet?} paragraph{} There are limited facilities have provided in 3G mobile internet. But it is easy way to access the internet than access the internet through the DSl or cable network. In business, students can use the 3G internet mostly. It would be useful to anyone who has the facility to access the internet anywhere. chapter{WiMAX } section{WiMAX: Broadband Wireless Access} paragraph{} WiMAX stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access. WiMAX is the IEEE 802.16 standards-based wireless technology that provides MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) broadband connectivity to access the internet. In a WiMAX is an Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems, also known as the IEEE WirelessMAN air interface. As far as 30 miles of area can be covered using the WiMAX-based system by transmitting data. So far, WiMAX can be used for homes and offices communication . section{Wireless Standards} There are some wireless standards have been established by the IEEE. begin{itemize} item IEEE 802.15, also known as Bluetooth, for the Personal Area Network (PAN); item IEEE 802.11, also known as WiFi, for the Local Area Network (LAN); item IEEE 802.16 for the Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), item IEEE 802.20 for the Wide Area Network (WAN). end{itemize} paragraph{} Normally miles are used to measure the WiMAX range and feet are used for the Wifi range. The main thing is that WiFi is focused on a local-area networking (LAN) technology and that WiMAX is a MAN technology. paragraph{} The 802.16d standard of extending 802.16 supports three physical layers . The mandatory PHY mode is 256-point FFT Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). The other two PHY modes are Single Carrier (SC) and 2048 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) modes. By the way, the corresponding European standard-the ETSI HiperMAN standard-defines a single PHY mode identical to the 256 OFDM modes in the 802.16d standard. paragraph{} A WiMAX system consists of two parts: begin{itemize} item A WiMAX tower, similar in concept to a cell-phone tower A single WiMAX tower can provide coverage to a very large area as big as 3,000 square miles (~8,000 square km). item A WiMAX receiver The receiver and antenna could be a small box or PCMCIA card, or they could be built into a laptop the way WiFi access is today. end{itemize} paragraph{} There are namy advantages included in WiMAX-based solutions, robust security features, good Quality of Service, and mesh and smart antenna technology that will alow better utilization of the resources. WiMAX-based voice service can work on either traditional Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) voice or IP-based Voice, also known as Voice over IP (VoIP). paragraph{} WiMAX is similer to WiFi but the WiMAX have higher speed than Wi-Fi and would cover a large area by spreading in a long distance than covering from WI-Fi. Therefore using WiMAX large number of users can access the internet. Use the WiMAX than Wi-Fi is better to get more works. chapter{Wi-Fi Wireless Internet} paragraph{} WiFi stands for wireless fidelity and is a popular technology being used by homes, workplaces, mobiles and computer systems world-wide. paragraph{} Using radio waves produce the high speed internet services and network connection can be described in the Wi-Fi internet. This technology mostly used in the business places, universities, and offices. Wi-Fi technology can be used in a limited area. Within that area any can access the internet through a device like laptop which has a wireless adapter. paragraph{} Wi-Fi works using radio frequency, without using any wired connection between sender and the receiver. When we use the Wi-Fi to a network, automatically create a wireless local area network (WLAN). Wi-Fi provide Fast data transfer rate. With transfer speeds up to 54mb. paragraph{} Within the Wi-Fi established area users can move with their computers from one access point to another. The cost for the wired network is can be saved using wireless networks. paragraph{} begin{itemize} item Normally open or un-encrypted as a default setting comes with the WiFi (wireless fidelity) networks. item In order to secure a WiFi, network, connection must distribute with password protected and the device must be configured using a Graphical User Interface or GUI. item Un-encrypted networks are freely accessible and any data can be accessed through these. Therefore the spreading of viruses can be happen. end{itemize} chapter{Other Technologies} section{Bluetooth} subsection{What is Bluetooth?} paragraph{} Bluetooth is one of wireless technology most used in today in the digital devices. That technology is used to access the internet too. Bluetooth technology is use o communicate between various electronics and that technology has been expanding every day. Mostly used in mobiles phones, personal computers, PDA, Laptops, digital camera, MP3 players and other Bluetooth enabled devices. paragraph{} The Bluetooth technology was invented by Ericson in 1994, and after in 1998 that the major mobile phone companies such as Nokia, Ericsson, Intel and Toshiba gathered to promote this technology. Using Bluetooth there can be connected eight devices at a time. Communication can be established hopping channels up to 1600 times per second. Bluetooth wireless technology works by allowing the transmission of signals over short distances between these devices and there by abridge communication and synchronization between these devices. subsection{How it Works} paragraph{} The Bluetooth chip can operate between the frequency band of 2400-2483.5Mhz. Bluetooth is designed to use in area where the wireless communication such as infrared are not working. Between the devices which are use to connect to using the Bluetooth there doesnt need to have a clear path between them for connecting the devices. paragraph{} Bluetooth wireless technology works by allowing the transmission of signals over short distances between these devices and there by abridge communication and synchronization between these devices. section{GPRS} GPRS stands for General Packet Radio Service, and is a protocol for passing data over a mobile phone network. And GPRS use to access the internet through the mobile phones. Even though there is no 3G facility, you can access the internet with having the GPRS facility in your phone. Heres what you need to know about GPRS: begin{itemize} item GPRS replaced dial-up mobile phone Internet access, offering faster browsing of Internet content and email. Its an always on service. item GPRS on a mobile phone doesnt use a phone number to connect; it uses something called an APN (Access Point Name). item For GPRS usage, have to pay for the amount of data you transferred, and not need to pay for your online time per minute. item GPRS has now been largely superseded by faster data network services known as 3G end{itemize} chapter{Conclusion} To access the internet it is easy to use the wireless technology because it can be used in everywhere the signal are available in internet service providers. When we select the technology to access the internet we must consider about the speed, cost, availability of signals, suitability of the needs. According to the tasks we wants to fulfil the technology can be different. When you use the 3G Internet through the mobile phones it is better to consider about the size of viewing. Bluetooth is mostly use to connect phones with the computers than connecting computer to a computer. There are various networks in wireless technology which are related to the different places. begin{thebibliography}{100} bibitem {}Unknown Author. (2002). textit{Wireless Internet Service}. Available: Last accessed 10 June 2010. bibitem {}Unknown . (2008). textit{3G Intrenet}. Available: Last accessed 10 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2002). textit{GPRS in the UK}. Available: \ Last accessed 11 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2007). textit{Wireless Network Types}. \ {Available:}. Last accessed 27 May 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2008). textit{How WiMAX Works}. {Available:}. Last accessed 07 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2010). textit{Wi-Fi}. {Available: Fi.html}. {Last accessed 03 June 2010}. bibitem {}unknown. (2006). textit{Wireless Network}. {Available:}. Last accessed 04 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2006). textit{Bluetooth Wireless Technology}. {Available:}. Last accessed 07 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2006). textit{Bluetooth Wireless Technology}. {Available:}. Last accessed 12 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2006). textit{WiFi How Does It Work?}. \ {Available: how it works.html}. Last accessed 08 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2005). textit{Different Types of Wireless Network}. \ {Available:}. Last accessed 11 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2010). textit{Introduction to Network Types}. \ {Available: types.htm}. \Last accessed 07 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2010). textit{Wireless Networks}. {Available:}. Last accessed 07 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2010). textit{WISP Wireless Internet Service Provider}. {Available: wisp.htm}. \ Last accessed 07 June 2010. bibitem {}Jeff Tyson. (2008). textit{How WAP Works}. \ {Available:}. \Last accessed 24 May 2010. end{thebibliography} end{document} end{document}

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Egyptian And Mexican Pyramids Essay -- essays research papers fc

Mysteries of the Ancient World   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For many centuries people have been fascinated by ancient cultures and treasures. During the last two centuries the science of archeology and modern inventions allowed people to get inside of the Egyptian and Mayan pyramids and discover the treasures of Egyptian pharaohs and Mayan rulers. Most of what we know about Egypt we owe to the pyramids. Thanks to Egyptian belief in the afterlife we can now find out about the civilization that existed nearly five thousand years ago. Egyptian culture is not the only culture that left us its heritage in pyramids. In America we find pyramids build by civilizations of Olmec and Maya about 7th century CE. These pyramids had different purposes and usage then the ones in Egypt but they stand as memorials to ancient civilizations as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Egyptian people believed in life after death. One of the way pharaohs prepared themselves for the afterlife journey was by building a pyramid and putting there all their belongings and riches. Egyptian people believed that pharaoh is the closest person to the God and treated him accordingly. That is the reason for Egyptian tombs being full with the golden jewelry, precious stones and art objects. Most of the time art objects were not considered a treasury but they played their particular role in religious rituals. Jars were holding food and drinks for pharaoh’s journey, so he would not get hungry and would have food and drinks to offer to the Gods. The figurative sculptures were suppose to accompany Ka ( spiritual entity) in its lonely stay or serve as a twin for the mummy. If something happens to the mummy the ka could use the sculpture of the pharaoh for the revelation. As well as for Egyptians religion was an everyday concern for many of the Maya, whether the dynastic ruler, the zealous priest, or the humble believer. Maya has an extensive religion structure which we can not know in details. Chac and Itzamna are the most famous gods of Mayan culture. Hunahpu and Xbalanque are among the most interesting mythical characters. One of the most crucial gods was Tlaloc, who was worshiped in various guises by the culture of Teotihuacan, the Toltec of Tula, and later Aztecs. The Maya received the cult of Tlaloc during the 4th century more or less. The Cauac Monster, also known as the Witz monster, is a... ...ties of the ancient Maya†. Mystery of Maya. CMCC. May 1999. â€Å"Herodotus Reports on Mummification.† May 1999. â€Å"Life in Ancient Egypt. Shabtis.† Ed. Craig Patch. Exc. from Reflections of Greatness: Ancient Egypt at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. 1990. â€Å"Maya Civilization.† Mystery of Maya. CMCC. May 1999. Newby, P.H. The Egypt story, its art, its monuments, its people, its history. Italy: Abbreville Press: 1979. Payne, Elizabeth. The pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. New York: Random House, Inc. 1984. â€Å"Photographs of Maya ruins of Tikal showing how Hasselblad cameras and Zeiss lenses result in better pictures†. Maya Art & books. International Photographic Archive of Maya Art. June 1998. â€Å"The First Egyptian Mummies†. Corkankhamun explains mummification. May 1999. â€Å"Why Egyptians Made Mummies†. Corkankhamun explains mummification. May 1999.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Hoovers policies and attitudes in the years 1929-33 Essay

Asses the view that Hoover’s policies and attitudes in the years 1929-33 merely prolonged the depression. President Herbert Hoover came in to power in America in 1928. He was a man with a strong belief and he believes in individualism and believed passionately in the values of hard work and enterprise. However, he came in power at a time where America was in an economic crisis, where unemployment was shooting up as well as inflation, America had entered a new era where inequality was increasing more than ever for example New York had one million unemployed whereas Ohio has 50% of the population unemployed, thus it was vital for Hoover’s policies to be adequate in order to restore prosperity. Source 7 clearly argues that Hoover’s attitudes and policies were inadequate and â€Å"failed again and again†. Similarly, source 8 believes that his faith in his own policies has only prolonged the depression even more, thus both sources have a clear consensus between them. On the other hand source 9 argues that a lot was actually done in order to get Americans back on their feet, thus Hoover’s attitudes and policies were good for America. However, it is clear that Hoover simply did not do enough in order to deal with this economic crisis as he was seen to be as a very â€Å"stubborn† person as source 7 argues and he simple could not read between the lines. Source 7 describes Hoover as a very stubborn person who â€Å"Remained convinced that he was right† Hoovers attitudes towards agriculture did not help American farmers at all. The agricultural marketing act was established in 1929 which artificially purchased farmers surpluses at prices above the market price. Hoover gave the Federal Farm Board $500M, yet Hoover still not think through exactly what he was doing. The agricultural market was in a significant decline in America during the 1930s and he only encouraged farmers to produce more as the Federal Reserve board was purchasing their surpluses. Furthermore, he was accused of throwing away tax payers money which was extremely regressive. Similarly, source 8 believes that Hoover undertook some â€Å"harmful policies† where he also â€Å"resisted congressional attempts to provide more substantial farm relief† this can be seen through the fact that instead of putting money into farmer’s pockets he actually took it away. Farming was seen as the backbone of the American economy and Hoovers Agricultural Marketing Act seemed like something that was rushed and never thought through which emphasises how Hoover simply lacked knowledge in many areas of the economy. Furthermore, he never thought about agricultural on an international level and the consequences his actions would have, thus his attitudes towards individualism was clearly not applicable to American society at that time as American clearly needed a Keynesian approach towards the economy where money would be significantly pumped in to the circulation of the economy. Source 8 also believes that the Hawley-Smoot Tariff was significantly damaging towards Americans â€Å"which he signed despite the advice of most economists†. This emphasises his attitudes towards his policies, he in his own â€Å"fantasy world† as source 7 also describes as he simple did not have any fixed approach towards fixing the damaged economy. Hoover did not realise exactly what was needed for the American economy as if he did, he would have realised that putting a 40% duty on agricultural products would not have stimulated the economy. This fantasy world consisted of just his own approach, which was not thought through, he believed just because he had a very hard work ethic meant that everyone else could have one too, however, this was not the case in America as Americans simply had no money in their pockets to start them off and they needed relief in order to get back on their feet again. Furthermore, his policies had a very short run effect as he believed by putting tariffs up it would help farmers gain more revenue. However, with agriculture being such a competitive market, it only led to retaliation as countries all across Europe could not afford high prices as they were in an economic crisis too. Furthermore, the Hawley-Smoot tariff resulted in the abandonment of free trade amongst European nations, thus it was extremely damaging for the agricultural market as they could not sell their surpluses and had to eventually dump their goods in different countries, therefore Hoover did pro long the depression. Furthermore, source 8 also argues that Hoovers approach towards unemployment was also not good enough as he â€Å"blocked direct aid to the unemployed†. This is because of his hands off approach attitude that he undertook during the 1930s was not radical enough and could be seen as taking things â€Å"too modestly† as source 8 states. The Emergency Committee for Employment aimed to help agencies provide relief of $500, however, due to his self-reliance attitude he did not allow direct federal relief. This clearly shows how Hoover was not thinking ahead and his attitudes were far behind time as he did not realise exactly how badly Americans needed the governments help and it was crucial to intervene in the economy as much as possible. However, Hoovers $500M was not large enough to help the millions of people in America who were unemployed and did not have the basic necessities in life, growth was literally not possible without the government intervening as GDP was getting lower and lower. However, taking into account that many countries were in a nation debt, it was obviously not possible for Hoover to magically get a large sum of money in order to give relief to firms and other sectors, thus there was actually a limited amount that Hoover could do even though he did have a hands off approach towards America. Source 9 completely contradicts source 8 and 7 as Leuchtenburg believes Hoover â€Å"Stepped up federal construction and urged state and local governments to accelerate spending† thus Hoover did make significant changes that did not pro long the depression. One of his most significant polices was the reconstruction finance corporation which was authorised to lend $1.5 billion to states to finance public works. Not only was this a very direct relief but it also had many benefits as it helped insurance companies as well as banks. One major aspect of the RFC was the fact that it lent 90% to small and medium banks, which was a turning point as rural small banks were hardly ever noticed and no other president intervened the way Hoover did and this contradicts Patterson’s view of Hoover having â€Å"minimal government intervention†, thus his lack of intervention may have been exaggerated by source 7 and 8. The â€Å"increased capital investment† as source 9 suggests also helped the economy as investment was a crucial part of GDP and investment would have allowed firms to innovate in America, thus Hoover had noticed the â€Å"grim reality† of the depression as he was doing what he could have in order to restore the economy. However, the RFC was only available to states that declared bankruptcy and they had to use the money to provide schemes which would earn money so that loans could be repaired and this perfectly fits in with Parrish’s view of how the â€Å"economic crisis required maximum cooperation† , which Hoover was not giving at that time as all banks and businesses needed some sort of relief which he was not doing. Furthermore, even if he was cooperated it was a little too late, thus Hoover did pro long the depression. Overall, it is clear the Hoover’s approaches were not good enough for American society in the 1930s and he did pro long the depression. One vital error that Hoover made was the fact that he was not helping the unemployed as much as he should have as in order to stimulate the economy, a wage was needed and with a wage tax could have been paid which could have been used to fund the public with goods. Therefore, if Hoover had considered getting people into work this would have automatically had a positive knock on effect. Furthermore, a hands off approach was not needed in times of the depression as Americans did not have money to get back on their feet as many banks were not giving out loans due to the effects that the boom period had on them, therefore a lot of intervention was needed. Thus, it is clear that Hoover did make big mistakes during the depression as he did not see the reality of it and did not try to tackle the main problems as he had no detailed plan.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Two Precedents essays

Two Precedents essays George Washington had accomplished many things in his presidency which further bettered the United States. Two precedents that Washington established for the presidency and executive branch throughout his terms were that he developed a cabinet and created a new capital for the country. George Washingtons first take was to establish a cabinet. The cabinet is an group of men organized by the President to assist him in all kinds of things that he has to deal with. He chose Alexander Hamilton secretary of treasury and Thomas Jefferson secretary of state. He created departments within the government, each with different jobs. The congress organized four sub- groups: the secretary of the state, the secretary of treasury, the secretary of war, and the attorney general. Washington picked Jefferson to create a policy of seeking trade with European nations. Alexander Hamilton became the secretary of treasury; he came up with important ideas like: a funded national debt and the making of the Bank of the United States. Henry Knox was appointed the secretary of war, and Edmund Randolph was the attorney general. It had its first meeting in 1789. Washington reorganized his cabinet in 1795, and Tennessee became a state in 1796. Now the mains of fourteen executive d epartments form the cabinet. Washington decided to create a capital for the United States of America. Washington, D.C. was a planned city from the start. It was the first city in the United States to be planned before it was built. The Constitution of the United States gave Congress the power to govern Washington. For a lot of the city's history, its leaders were appointed by the president. In 1973, Congress granted the city the right to elect their local officials. D.C. was divided into districts to regulate the uses of the property which is called zoning. Washington, D.C. did not become the United States capital until 1800. Congress moved its meeting...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Leadership In Criminal Justice

The law enforcement agency plays an integral role in communities across America. The management and leadership of these organizations must identify the needs of the community and provide direction and vision for the public service entities they manage and lead. Effective leadership in any law enforcement agencies requires setting the tone and agenda for the agency as the first step in improving the image of law enforcement both inside and outside the agency. A major responsibility of a leader is to define the mission of the agency. Agencies without a clear mission or vision will drift and become exposed to pressures both within and outside the agency. Staff within the agency, without a clear sense of organizational direction, will develop an unconcerned and sarcastic attitude toward the organization. This attitude will manifest itself in poor or mediocre service to the offenders and victims serviced by the agency. Once an agency begins to drift, it loses its definition and sense of purpose. Staff becomes confused about management's intentions and their investment in the agency diminishes. The focus in the agency turns to poor management and not strategic planning and goal setting. A well-written mission statement serves both the internal and external environments. In preparing the mission statement, the internal state of the organization and the expectations of the agency's stakeholders should be considered and incorporated into the process. A mission statement provides staff with a philosophy for the agency and gives a starting point from which an agency will develop both its short-and long-range goals. The mission statement is the drive for an agency's staff to focus its energies in a single direction on common issues. The mission statement outlines the parameters of an agency's relationships with its stakeholders and clearly defines anticipated outcomes. Law enforcement leaders face a myriad of problems in the future. They m... Free Essays on Leadership In Criminal Justice Free Essays on Leadership In Criminal Justice The law enforcement agency plays an integral role in communities across America. The management and leadership of these organizations must identify the needs of the community and provide direction and vision for the public service entities they manage and lead. Effective leadership in any law enforcement agencies requires setting the tone and agenda for the agency as the first step in improving the image of law enforcement both inside and outside the agency. A major responsibility of a leader is to define the mission of the agency. Agencies without a clear mission or vision will drift and become exposed to pressures both within and outside the agency. Staff within the agency, without a clear sense of organizational direction, will develop an unconcerned and sarcastic attitude toward the organization. This attitude will manifest itself in poor or mediocre service to the offenders and victims serviced by the agency. Once an agency begins to drift, it loses its definition and sense of purpose. Staff becomes confused about management's intentions and their investment in the agency diminishes. The focus in the agency turns to poor management and not strategic planning and goal setting. A well-written mission statement serves both the internal and external environments. In preparing the mission statement, the internal state of the organization and the expectations of the agency's stakeholders should be considered and incorporated into the process. A mission statement provides staff with a philosophy for the agency and gives a starting point from which an agency will develop both its short-and long-range goals. The mission statement is the drive for an agency's staff to focus its energies in a single direction on common issues. The mission statement outlines the parameters of an agency's relationships with its stakeholders and clearly defines anticipated outcomes. Law enforcement leaders face a myriad of problems in the future. They m...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Campus friends report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Campus friends report - Essay Example he also discovered her good mastery of the English language in elementary school and high school that influenced her to take a major in public relations. My campus friend settled on public relations after weighing many other courses that deal with effective communication. She had at some point opted for journalism but did not like the idea of appearing on the television screen every day. She is always shy and felt that she would have difficulties interacting with her television audience. The other reason that made her not to major in journalism is that she did not want to be feared in the social environment as a celebrity. She prefers leading a simple life with little recognition. As I have come to learn her, she likes helping others even when there is no guarantee of other people helping her back. This justified to me her claim that she never wants to be publicly recognized for things she has done. One of the career goals for my campus friend is working in a reputable organization that recognizes and respects social and cultural diversity. She hopes that the major qualifies her to serve as a public relations manager and ascend to the senior managerial position. At the same time, she claims to have a passion for being a Chief Executive Officer for a popular organization. She does not like being employed but prefers to use employment as an avenue to rise to self-employment. Another career goal that my campus friend reported having is establishing her own company in the future and being her own boss. She believed that a public relation major was important to enable her deal with her employees efficiently and incorporate cultural diversity in the organization. She narrated to me how globalization has turned the world into a small village where everyone needs to learn to cope with people of different ideological and cultural backgrounds. For the duration that I stayed with her, the major interest that she demonstrated is socialization and sharing stories about

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Database vs. Spreadsheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Database vs. Spreadsheet - Essay Example In section two of this paper, overview of database and spreadsheet is given. Section three of this paper discusses various types of similarity that both MS Access and MS Excel have. In section four of the paper, the technical analysis of the software’s will be presented. And at last in section five, which software MS Access and MS Excel can be used in which situation will be discussed. A spreadsheet is a rectangular table of information. It means for the format used to present bookkeeping ledgers. The most common use of spreadsheets is to manage basic information such as telephone numbers, employee names, financial data, calculations, addresses and many more other things. Spreadsheets can store data but in actual it is not performs that job as easily as a database can perform. In actual, a spreadsheet is not considered as a database. It some thing like a robust, multifaceted calculator and data analyzer that incidentally can perform some database functions. As spreadsheets are intended to handle numerical data, they will also handle text, but they are not suited to handling complex queries and intradata relationships, so they are not used in data handling systems. Various types of spreadsheet programs that are used are KSpread, Calc or Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet software programs are not database management systems. They stores data in rows and columns called worksheets and areas within the worksheet, where the rows and columns intersect are called cells. Database in general is a collection of data arranged for ease and speed of search and retrieval. Database is also called as databank. In technical perspective database can be defined as a set of related files that is created and managed by a database management system (DBMS). Now these days, database management system can manage any form of data. The forma of data may include text, images, sound and video. Today some of the common database management systems